All Different, All Valued, All Equal



Oakfield Park School is a Local Authority maintained school providing education for young people aged 11 to 19 years with severe, complex or profound and multiple learning difficulties.  Many of our pupils have additional needs including autism, sensory impairment, challenging behaviour, medical and physical difficulties. Our school community is diverse and young people attend from across the Wakefield Metropolitan District. Only WMDC is able to decide who is eligible for a place at this school. Neither the Headteacher, nor their representatives, are able to offer a school place.



To be considered for admission, combinations of the following indicators will be evident:

  • Identified as a High Needs Learner
  • Have an Education, Health and Care Plan naming the school placement
  • Requires a high level of support to structure learning and/or development of social skills




Any child with the school named on their  Education, Health and Care Plan will have been allocated a place.

Decisions regarding naming the school are a matter for the local authority (WMDC) Special Educational Needs Assessment and Review Team (SENART) and admissions are coordinated by the team.

Parents/Carers are consulted throughout the process and can contact the named SENART officer if necessary


Special Educational Needs is a term used if a child has difficulty accessing the curriculum, which may mean that he/she may need to have some form of specialist provision made for them in order to learn. It may be a general learning difficulty, an emotional, behavioural, sensory or physical disability or it may be a difficulty related to communication or speech and language. Further information can be obtained from Special Educational Needs Assessment and Review Team or Parent Partnership.


Our Policy is inline with Wakefield Local Authority.  


Appeals go directly through Wakefield SENART - 01924 302465.