All Different, All Valued, All Equal

Assessment on Evidence for Learning (EfL)

Learning Journeys:

At Oakfield Park school we have been working alongside West Leeds SILC to introduce "Learning Journeys" to assess our students without levels.  We use the software "Evidence for Learning", which is iPad-based, to capture and assess evidence using a points score.  There is also a traffic light system that records additional factors that can impact our student's progress.


Image result for evidence for learning


Informal Pathway

Communication and Cognition is assessed through the following Learning Journeys;

  • Footsteps - evidences the smallest steps of progress which our students with PMLD make.
  • Stepping out - evidences the next steps of progress which our PMLD, complex and sensory students make. 
  • Intensive interaction - evidences the small steps of communication and interaction which is hard to track for our non-verbal and pre-verbal students.

Students on the informal pathway will also be assessed through;

  • Physical - We evidence the physical progress all our students make including MATP, hydrotherapy and boccia


Semi-formal & Formal Pathway

Communication and Cognition is assessed through the following Learning Journeys;

  • First Steps (Communication and Cognition)
  • Pacers (Reading, Writing, Spoken Word and listening)
  • Strides (Reading, Writing, Spoken Word and listening)
  • Functional Skills (Functional Skills English and Maths)

Students on the semi-formal pathway will also be assessed through;

  • SEB - Social, emotional and behaviour - We evidence progress in developing the ability to socialise, regulate emotions and to develop ways to manage their own behaviour. 
  • Physical - We evidence the physical progress all our students make. 
  • VI - We evidence specific skills which our students with visual difficulties are working towards
  • PSHE at KS3 & 4 - which is designed to record progress in a range of areas linked to our bespoke curriculum at Oakfield Park School  
  • Marching on at Post 16 - has a focus on Independence - Time, money, cooking, travel, personal care and work experience skills. 


Evidence for Learning allows us to decide which Learning Journey the students should be assessed on and from here we can create bespoke Personal Learning Goals (PLG's) .  

Personal Learning Goals (PLG'S)


Parents and carers can also add photos and video evidence to demonstrate learning at home.  If you want to know more click here.

More information on the Learning Journey Pathways and PLGs is in the documents below:

See how Oakfield Park School compares to other schools by clicking here.

Assessment and Accreditation


Informal Pathway Assessment

Informal Pathway - Footsteps.pdf .pdf
Communication Intensive Interaction.pdf .pdf
Social Emotional and Behaviour.pdf .pdf

Semi-Formal Pathway Assessment

ASDAN Personal Progress.pdf .pdf
Cognition Pacers - Number Steps 5-9.pdf .pdf
Cogntion First Steps Steps 3-5.pdf .pdf

Formal Pathway Assessment

Cognition Strides Number Steps 8-15.pdf .pdf
Communication Phonics .pdf .pdf
Communication Strides - Writing Steps 8-15.pdf .pdf

Post 16 Preparation for Life Beyond School

Post 16 Independence - Cooking.pdf .pdf
Post 16 Independence - Life Skills Including RSE.pdf .pdf
Post 16 Work Skills.pdf .pdf

EfL Learning Journey Frameworks


EfL Learning Journey Frameworks

All Different, All Valued, All Equal

Assessment on Evidence for Learning (EfL)

Learning Journeys:

At Oakfield Park school we have been working alongside West Leeds SILC to introduce "Learning Journeys" to assess our students without levels.  We use the software "Evidence for Learning", which is iPad-based, to capture and assess evidence using a points score.  There is also a traffic light system that records additional factors that can impact our student's progress.


Image result for evidence for learning


Informal Pathway

Communication and Cognition is assessed through the following Learning Journeys;

  • Footsteps - evidences the smallest steps of progress which our students with PMLD make.
  • Stepping out - evidences the next steps of progress which our PMLD, complex and sensory students make. 
  • Intensive interaction - evidences the small steps of communication and interaction which is hard to track for our non-verbal and pre-verbal students.

Students on the informal pathway will also be assessed through;

  • Physical - We evidence the physical progress all our students make including MATP, hydrotherapy and boccia


Semi-formal & Formal Pathway

Communication and Cognition is assessed through the following Learning Journeys;

  • First Steps (Communication and Cognition)
  • Pacers (Reading, Writing, Spoken Word and listening)
  • Strides (Reading, Writing, Spoken Word and listening)
  • Functional Skills (Functional Skills English and Maths)

Students on the semi-formal pathway will also be assessed through;

  • SEB - Social, emotional and behaviour - We evidence progress in developing the ability to socialise, regulate emotions and to develop ways to manage their own behaviour. 
  • Physical - We evidence the physical progress all our students make. 
  • VI - We evidence specific skills which our students with visual difficulties are working towards
  • PSHE at KS3 & 4 - which is designed to record progress in a range of areas linked to our bespoke curriculum at Oakfield Park School  
  • Marching on at Post 16 - has a focus on Independence - Time, money, cooking, travel, personal care and work experience skills. 


Evidence for Learning allows us to decide which Learning Journey the students should be assessed on and from here we can create bespoke Personal Learning Goals (PLG's) .  

Personal Learning Goals (PLG'S)


Parents and carers can also add photos and video evidence to demonstrate learning at home.  If you want to know more click here.

More information on the Learning Journey Pathways and PLGs is in the documents below:

See how Oakfield Park School compares to other schools by clicking here.

Assessment and Accreditation


Informal Pathway Assessment

Informal Pathway - Footsteps.pdf .pdf
Communication Intensive Interaction.pdf .pdf
Social Emotional and Behaviour.pdf .pdf

Semi-Formal Pathway Assessment

ASDAN Personal Progress.pdf .pdf
Cognition Pacers - Number Steps 5-9.pdf .pdf
Cogntion First Steps Steps 3-5.pdf .pdf

Formal Pathway Assessment

Cognition Strides Number Steps 8-15.pdf .pdf
Communication Phonics .pdf .pdf
Communication Strides - Writing Steps 8-15.pdf .pdf

Post 16 Preparation for Life Beyond School

Post 16 Independence - Cooking.pdf .pdf
Post 16 Independence - Life Skills Including RSE.pdf .pdf
Post 16 Work Skills.pdf .pdf

EfL Learning Journey Frameworks


EfL Learning Journey Frameworks
