All Different, All Valued, All Equal

Pupil Premium at Oakfield Park School



The Pupil Premium is additional funding given to publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers. It is allocated to students from low-income families who are currently known to be eligible for Free School Meals (FSM), Looked after Children, children adopted from care and Service Forces children. It also includes pupils who have been eligible for FSM at any point in the last six years (known as the Ever 6 FSM measure). 

Find more information click below: 

This year the school will be eligible for approximately £41,330 of Pupil Premium. This is how we intend to use the money to support pupil progress: 


To continue to narrow the disadvantage gap by addressing inequalities and raise attainment in Literacy and Numeracy of those pupils with complex and additional needs in low income families. 

Intended Outcomes in spending Pupil Premium Grant: 

  • Improve communication through iPad Communication aids in each class supported with SALT training and the implementation of a communication board in each classroom. 
  • Improve the outdoor learning areas to promote learning, wellbeing and improved behaviour.
  • Purchase half a day a week SALT Band 6 therapist (on top of our SLA allocation) to support Attention Autism / Fun With Food groups across school. 
  • Improve early literacy progress including expressive / comprehension using Sounds
  • Improve early reading through the teaching of phonics where appropriate. 
  • Improve early cognition skills 
  • Provide curriculum enrichment opportunities through 1-1 / group music therapy to promote increased attention, focus, self-esteem and wellbeing (1 day a week) 
  • Provide curriculum enrichment through weekly horse riding and carriage riding to promote well-being, core strength, co-ordination and motor skills. 
  • Provide a teacher for half a day a week to support the weekly riding session. 
  • Provide opportunities to develop individual literacy skills through the Reading Eggs programme / sessions 
  • Provide opportunities to develop cognition skills through Maths Seeds programme / sessions 
  • Provide activities to support literacy / cognition development through Twinkle 
  • Support the development and progress of our MSI students through  Pen Friend/ Hot Spot / sensory stories / sensory boxes to support literacy and reading skills 
  • Swimming to support the development of functional communication / self-help skills 
  • After school clubs to support engagement, social interaction and functional communication (Not at present due to Covid) 
  • Lunchtime clubs to support engagement, social interaction and functional communication (band – music therapist) (Not at present due to Covid) 
  • Free School Meals – to support communication, self-help skills, healthy eating and physical well-being 


Schools are free to spend Pupil Premium funding according to how they feel each individual student can best be supported. Below are details of how we at Oakfield Park School plan to spend the money to support pupil progress this year, and the impact specific strategies demonstrated last year. 


We continually evaluate the impact of our Pupil Premium expenditure on educational attainment to ensure that we are utilising it to its maximum benefit. We regularly assess and analyse pupil progress using ‘Evidence For Learning’ and Individual Framework expectations to determine whether our pupils are making better than expected progress, expected progress or less than expected progress. 

Pupil premium Policy is available here

Pupil Premium Strategy 2024 - 2025
