Our Bespoke Curriculum has 7 Strands. Five are Core Strands which are Communication, Cognition, Physical, Independence and Social Emotional Behaviour. Two are Enrichment Strands Wider world, Creative .
At Post 16 we have six Strands which reflect the Preparation for Adulthood Adgenda.
Our Bespoke Curriculum has 7 Strands. Five are Core Strands which are Communication, Cognition, Physical, Independence and Social Emotional Behaviour. Two are Enrichment Strands Wider world, Creative .
At Post 16 we have six Strands which reflect the Preparation for Adulthood Adgenda.
Our Bespoke Curriculum has 7 Strands. Five are Core Strands which are Communication, Cognition, Physical, Independence and Social Emotional Behaviour. Two are Enrichment Strands Wider world, Creative .
At Post 16 we have six Strands which reflect the Preparation for Adulthood Adgenda.
Our Bespoke Curriculum has 7 Strands. Five are Core Strands which are Communication, Cognition, Physical, Independence and Social Emotional Behaviour. Two are Enrichment Strands Wider world, Creative .
At Post 16 we have six Strands which reflect the Preparation for Adulthood Adgenda.