All Different, All Valued, All Equal

Meet the Key Stage 3 team:

Sarah Ing - Class 1

Hi I am Sarah, 

Class 1 love being busy, we like being outside, going into the sensory room and activity room, cooking and making messy art.

Rebecca Newbould - Class 2
Hi, I am Becky and I am the class 2 teacher. I am currently in my first year as an ECT and am thrilled to be teaching here at Oakfield Park School. Class 2 consists of an enthusiastic and dedicated staff team whose priority is the development, safety and happiness of all our pupils. Each day consists of lots of hard work, fun, celebrations of each other's achievements (and a lot of paint, glitter and messy sensory exploration!!)
Toni Whipp - Class 3

Hi, I’m Toni and I teach the amazing students in Class 3! I have worked at Oakfield Park for 10 years, predominantly with sensory learners, and I am currently studying for a Masters in PMLD. I love delivering physical education experiences to our students with therapies such as Hydro, Rebound and Sherborne experienced regularly within our class. Alongside this I also deliver MATP to the whole cohort of PMLD students.

Outside of school I am a Scout leader and love being in the outdoors. I have recently completed a certificate in outdoor learning so these experiences can be brought to the students in class.

In Class 3 we always work hard, love to get very messy and create a fun and supportive environment to learn in!

Richard Wilkinson - Class 4

Hi, I'm Richard and I teach Class 4. We all work hard in class and enjoy lots of exciting things in school. We love to go outdoors and see the sensory garden and chickens. We also spend lots of time off-site exploring different places in our local area such as The Royal Armouries in Leeds, The Railway Museum in York and all the local garden centres buying plants! In school we like baking healthy snacks in Food Technology and practising our skills in PE lessons. And of course, we do lots of maths and English in class which is based around our topic of the term.

Henri-Leigh Emery - Class 5
Hi, I'm Henri-Leigh and I teach class 5 and I am also the Key Stage 3 Facilitator. This is my fourth year teaching at Oakfield Park School and I love working with our students. My team and I are passionate and enthusiastic, and ensure our lessons are exciting and engaging, whilst also promoting independence in everything we do. We look out for our friends in class 5, we work hard, we help one another, and most importantly, we have lots of fun!
Casey Thiede - Class 6

Hi, my name is Casey I’m the teacher of class 6. This is my third-year teaching at Oakfield Park. I have just sucessfully completed two years of ECT and am looking to developing my skills further throughout my journey here at Oakfield.  I love teaching at Oakfield Park and this is down to the school’s ethos and amazing students who are friendly, enthusiastic and hard working!  

In class 6, I aim to provide as many opportunities as possible to increase student’s confidence and independence both out in the community and around school. Class 6 are adventurous, helpful, confident learners and are full of giggles. We hope to put a smile on everyone’s face around school and are proud to be Oakfield Park students.  

Jadie Wagstaff - Class 7

Hi, I’m Jadie I am the teacher in Class 7. I have worked at Oakfield Park School for over 15 years throughout different key stages, specialising in Autism and complex needs. It is my aim to create a nurturing and inclusive environment in which students flourish and share thier personal experiences as an integral part of the class group. The wide range of education and lifelong learning skills I deliver are through lots of different learning opportunities that appeal to all students and their personal interests to engage and maximise thier potential throughout the curriulum. 

Meet the Key Stage 4 Team:

Naomi Nunn - Class 8
Hello I am Naomi and I am the Teacher in Class 8. 
This is my fourth year teaching at Oakfield Park School. I absolutely love my job and a big part of that is down to our amazing students as well as the wonderful people I get to call my colleagues! We like to have lots of fun whilst learning in class 8. We have been very lucky to secure a full day bus slot this year and we are going to be enjoying lots of full days out in the community to practice our independence skills. In class we will be doing lots of sensory activities and developing our fine and gross motor skills with fun activities like squiggle while you wiggle and sensory phonics. We use the TEACCH approach in class and complete baywork activities each day. We like to keep fit in class 8 and participate in SPARC each morning aswell as attending our fantastic school gym. 
All of the students in class 8 are working towards ASDAN acreditation this year. 
We are going to have a fantastic year!
Alex Turner - Class 9

Hello, I’m Alex and I’m the teacher in class 9. 

Mel Taylor - Class 10

I am Mel and the teacher of class 10.  

Leighton Graham - Class 11
Hi, I'm Leighton and I teach in Class 11. 
I have taught at Oakfield Park for 14 years and I am also the Cognition Facilitator.  The Class 11 staff team are passionate about nurturing our students and promoting their independence in all possible areas. 
We enjoy art and craft activities and cooking as some of our favourite activities.  We try really hard to be kind to one another and take care of our friends.
This year we are working hard with our number and writing skills to contribute towards our ASDAN accreditation.
Chloe Brook - Class 12
Hello, I'm Chloe and I am the Class 12 Teacher and Key Stage Facilitator for Key Stage 4. 
We have a fantastic team of staff on hand to support our learners, encouraging them to be the best version of themselves, promoting independence and growth wherever possible. We have lots of fun and interesting sessions planned, which cover the seven strands of the Key Stage 4 Curriculum. Our topics for Academic Year 2023/24 are; 'Magic', 'Wonderful World' and 'Creatures', which will make for some fascinating research and tasks. 
Class 12 are working hard at developing their independent travel training skills, accessing public transport, route planning and keeping themselves safe within the community. Another valuable skill we will be focusing on this year, is how to budget for things, developing a key life skill to take into the future. 
We look forward to a very successful year ahead!
Megan Price - Class 13

Hello I'm Megan and I'm the teacher in Class 13. 

This is my sixth year teaching at Oakfield Park School across Key Stage 3 and 4. 
In Class 13 we are very outgoing and enjoy an exciting range of activities across the curriculum. Class 13 consists of hardworking staff and students who thrive for excellence in everything they do. We like to work hard and have fun whilst we are doing it. 

Meet the Post 16 Team:

Fran Glenton-Hope - Class 14

Hello!  I’m Fran Glenton-Hope.  I teach Class 14 and am the Communication Team Facilitator at Oakfield Park School.  I’ve taught at here since 2011 in all sorts of classes and am very happy to be teaching my lovely Post-16 class this year.  Before teaching here, I taught and led English in mainstream secondary schools.  

Our class has mixed needs including PMLD, physical, sensory (VI, HI) and Severe Learning Difficulties and Autism.  We also have a great team supporting our young people.  I have lots of plans linked to Preparation for Adulthood for our class. Everything we do will be gearing up so that our students reach their full potential and transition well into what adulthood holds. Most students will follow a semi-formal curriculum and all will be accredited with ASDAN qualifications.  

It’s going to be lots of fun! 

Dale Woolsey - Class 15

Hi, I am Dale I am a teacher,  Physical Strand Facilitator, Team Teach Trainer and Staff Govenor. I have been a teacher at Oakfield Park School since 2014 and have taught mostly within the Post 16 department. My current class are all year 14, so we will be saying goodbye to them soon. We focus on our social skills and learning to tolerate things as well as regulating our emotions. 

James Walters - Class 16

Hi, my name is James Walters and I am the teacher for Class 16 in our Post-16 department.

I have worked at Oakfield Park School for 5 years and I am in my 2nd full year as a teacher at school and will be completing my Early Career Teacher programme at Easter.

In class 16 we work on building the pupils independence skills, ability to access the community safely and in preparation for life when they leave school. We have successfully grown a range of different fruits and vegetables in our own vegetable plot, selling on tomato plants and holding a guess the weight of our pumpkin contest to raise funds for in class activities. We have also taken a lead on keeping our range of bikes and trikes well maintained and ready for use by others in school.

Outside of school I enjoy staying fit and spend a lot of time outdoors, doing a range of different and adventurous activities, often raising money for school.

Sam Scott - Class 17

Hi I am Sam, I teach Class 17 and I am the P16 facilitator. In Class 17 we work towards those all important life skills, getting our students ready for future life. You may see some of our students out in the community on their work experience placements, or working in our school Coffee Shop.  We follow a formal curriculum, working towards accreditation in ASDAN, BTEC, and Functional Skills.

Beth Davies - Class 18

Hello I’m Beth, I teach class 18 and I am the Independence Strand facilitator. I have been a teacher here at Oakfield Park since 2011, teaching across all key stages. Class 18 love to get involved in the Post 16 Coffee Shop and Tuck Shop, cheering up our friends around school bringing chocolate treats and bacon sandwiches! We also love music, art, ICT and cooking activities and we keep active with rebound and hydro therapy, along with weekly MATP sessions. This year we will be working hard towards our ASDAN units by engaging in a variety of community events and experiencing new and exciting creative activities.

Hello I'm Becky, and have recently joined Oakfield Park from another special school out of area, where I worked for many years. Our class has mixed needs, and so we love to engage in lots of different lessons, ranging from sensory exploration, to more formal numeracy and literacy work. In class 19 we love working on our independence skills, especially taking part in food technology, following instructions and recipes carefully. We also have lots of helpful students that enjoy engaging in class jobs, further contributing to their independence and work experience. 
We are all working towards our ASDAN accreditation and follow mainly a semi-formal curriculum

PPA Cover team:

Sarah Birkinshaw - HLTA

Hi my name is Sarah and this is my third year at Oakfield Park. I cover PPA in KS3 & KS4 classes whilst also studying to be a teacher. 

I love working with the students and try to ensure fun, educational and safe lessons. 

Lisa Goldsworthy - HLTA

Hi, I am Lisa I cover teachers across school for thier planning and assessment time (PPA)