All Different, All Valued, All Equal

Friends Constitution

Friends of Oakfield Park is a Registered Charity.

Funds from Friends of Oakfield Park Fund will be used exclusively to provide additional support for the pupils over and above Local Authority budgeted resources.   

  • To subsidise the provision of residentials. 
  • To assist with the cost of school events.
  • To facilitate the purchase of non-curricular resources
  • To facilitate the purchase of large items e.g. School mini bus
  • To enhance the personal wellbeing of pupils e.g. purchase of Christmas presents. 


Requests for funding are considered termly by the Friends Committee 

The Fund shall be audited annually.

Meetings are usually held on Monday at 3:30pm new members welcome.  Below are the minutes from the last meeting. 


Friends of Oakfield Park Meeting 29th January 2024

Present: Nicola Cryer, Tracy Bunko, Linda Lockett, Evey Brogan, Henri-Leigh, Toni Whipp, Beth Davis, Kathie Burns.

Apologies: Dale Woolsey

Matters arising:

Bank Account - The amount available to spend stands at £24933. The bank account stands at £29526 but an amount of £812 needs reimbursing to Friends as a result of over contributing to various activities. An amount if £5405 needs transferring to school budget for activities previously agreed through Friends.

Ackworth Gala – It was decided to use the Ackworth Gala Stall to sell enterprise goods this year, widening the customer base.  Also in order to raise some funds for Friends it was decided to have a bottle tombola at the same time. Details to be discussed at the next meeting.

Cinema Visit – A bus was paid for by Friends at a cost of £350.

Theatre Trip – A bus was paid for from Friends for this trip also at a cost of £350.

Mini Bus Test – Previously agreed that Friends will fund two members of staff a year through the test. Two more are in the pipeline for April.

Sensory Garden – The upgrade has been started Funding has been from the School budget but Friends will contribute as and when needed due to the

Christmas raffle – This raised a massive £2216.20. Thank you to everyone who contributed in any way. A big thankyou to the Boot and Shoe for giving us a meal voucher for a prize.

Games Night – To be held on 27th February. Pie and Peas, 7pm start.  Some jobs were distributed

Nicola to advertise the event.  Dale – Bingo.  Evey – Picture Quiz. Linda and Tracy - Pie and Peas and Refreshments. Tombola, Beetle, Cards, Music Quiz, Raffle and Entrance to be decided. £4 Adults £2 children.



Funding requests

Toni requested funding to have the MATP T shirts printed. Friends agreed.

A request for five Powerlink switches was received at a cost of approximately £1000, Friends agreed.


Future Fundraising

Raffle - A Raffle will be held at the shows on 21st and 22nd May 2024,

Ackworth Gala- Provisional date of 22nd May.  A bottle tombola will be held as the stall will be used mainly for the sale of enterprise goods.

Race Night -  Summer event, Staff Race Night. Bring your own drinks. A band/music after the races. Profit from the nights racing to go to Friends.


Please come along and support us. Everyone is welcome. We have very informal Friends meetings where we discuss ways of raising funds. This money enables the young people of Oakfield Park to continue with those extras which cannot be afforded out of the already stretched school budget. 

Next meeting Monday 8th April 2024 at 3.30 p.m.


We are going to try a change in time for the Friends meeting to hopefully attract more people to attend. This may help with any parents, staff and Friends who want to attend but would normally have child care issues.

This will be at our next but one meeting on the 4thJune at 12oclock.