Who can I contact about Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)?
Our school SENCO is Nicola Cryer
Email: ncryer@oakfieldpark.wakefield.sch.uk
Phone 01977 613423
At Oakfield Park we aim for all our students to develop a "voice", to be as independent, social and healthy as possible, enabling them to become citizens who engage positively with society whilst leading happy and fulfilled lives.
All Different
All Valued
All Equal
We are a Local Authority maintained school providing education for young people aged 11 to 19 years with severe, complex or profound and multiple learning difficulties. Many of our pupils have additional needs including autism, sensory impairment, challenging behaviour, medical and physical difficulties.
We currently have 155 students on roll all students have an Education, health and care plan (EHCP). We prepare all our students for adulthood by ensuring outcomes are agreed with all stakeholders within our annual review of the EHCP.
Broad and balanced curriculum
We have a bespoke curriculum which is designed with our students in mind and provides time to work towards student EHCP outcomes at every opportunity. We make use of the local and wider community to ensure our pupils are developing the skills they require for adulthood. Our curriculum has 7 Strands at KS3 and KS4 which are they streamlined into 6 strands at Post 16.
Key Stage 3 and 4 Communication Cognition and thinking skills Physical Social Emotional and behaviour Independence and Self-help Wider World Creativity
Post 16 Communication Cognition and numeracy Being healthy Independence Participating in society Preparation for work and life
At KS3 and 4 we have specific topics which are used as a vehicle to deliver the above strands.
At post 16 we focus on working towards the Preparation for Adulthood agenda (PfA)
Personalised Learning
All students have personal outcomes which are in the EHCP document agreed and reviewed at the annual review meeting
All students have an IEP target linked to each outcome which are agreed and reviewed at least termly.
SEND Code of Practice
In the code of practice there are 4 areas of need:
Communication and Interaction
Cognition and learning
Social emotional and mental health
Sensory and physical
We aim to support all students in developing their area/s of need through our bespoke curriculum and personalised learning approaches.
Preparation for Adulthood
We work towards the PfA within out 6 Post 16 strands as approbate to the needs and abilities of our students.
Preparation for independent living: having choice, control and freedom.
Participating in society; having friends, participating and contributing
Being healthy
Preparation for Employment
Preparation for higher education
We are an accessible school - see our Accessibility Policy/Plan
Click below for more information or to download our SEN report: